DEWS MIDTERM Conference 2009
DEWS Midterm Conference 2009
took place at the
Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
GFZ - German Research Centre for Geosciences
(Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum)
on the
7th and 8th of July, 2009
Potsdam, Germany
The conference was open to general attendance and broght together researchers, industry partners, disaster managers, and partners from disaster prone countries for intensive information exchange and discussions. The conference has provided a profound, comprehensive overview about current developments world wide thus helping to validate and consolidate the DEWS approach.
The main topic of the conference was: "Lessons Learned - From Concept to Demonstrator"
- Open service oriented software architectures for early warning systems
- Integration concepts for heterogeneous sensor systems
- Standardisation of warning messages generation in a multi-lingual environment
- Warning message dissemination via multiple tele-communication channels
- Telecommunication and information exchange in a regional environment
- Tsunami early warning and tsunami insurance
- Financing of regional and worldwide warning systems
- "Lessons learned" from recent tsunami events
* Potsdam is the capital of the federal state of Brandenburg, close to Berlin.