Project Partners
Partner No | Logo | Partner Name | Short Name |
1 | Atos Origin SA., Spain (Coordinator) | ATOS | |
2 | Helmhotz-Zentrum Potsdam, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, Germany (Technical Coordinator) | GFZ | |
3 | ELSAG DATAMAT S.p.A., Italy | DATAMAT | |
4 | Geological and Nuclear Sciences, New Zealand | GNS | |
5 | Geological Survey & Mines Bureau, Sri Lanka | GSMB | |
6 | Aalto University (former Teknillinen korkeakoulu Helsinki - TKK), Finland | TKK | |
7 | Thai Meteorological Dept., Seismological Bureau , Thailand | TMD | |
8 | Citizen Alert Services BV, Netherlands | CAS | |
9 | National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention, Japan | NIED | |
10 | Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (former Swedish Rescue Services Agency), Sweden | MSB (SRSA) | |
11 | University of Bologna; Italy | DFUNIBO | |
12 | National Disaster Warning Center, Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Thailand | NDWC | |
13 | Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika Meteorological and Geophysical Agency BANA, Indonesia | BMKG | |
14 | Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A., Italy | ENG | |
15 | Ministry of Disaster Management & Human Rights, Disaster Management Centre, Sri Lanka | DCM SL | |
16 | Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia | ITB | |
17 | Moratuwa University, Dept. of Engineering, Sri Lanka | UNIV M | |
18 | Prince of Songkla University, Thailand | PSU | |
19 | Chiang Mai University, Thailand | CMU | |
20 | Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Ministry of Interior, Royal Thai Government, Thailand | DDPM |